Uniforms produced by the E. Reitz Uniformwerke
In january 1941, the E.Reitz Uniformwerke in Merksem near Antwerp started the manufacture of German uniforms. They received orders from the German clothing depots that were supplying all branches of the German army and the paramilitary units. These clothing depots had to deliver the fabric and insignia for the assembly of the uniforms. They also had to deliver the drawings for the seperate parts of each uniform and the number of sizes they desired.
Production continued till late august 1944, early september the factory itself sat in the fireline of the fierce fighting for the Albert Canal crossing in Merksem.
So E.Reitz was an assembly factory, they did not design uniforms themselves. Every item had to be cut, assembled and proofed according to strict regulations of the clothing depots.
Over the years we were able to find many original uniforms and uniform parts that were made in the facilities of the E.Reitz Uniformwerke group. Several collectors who own very nice original pieces were so kind to allow us to share pictures of the uniforms in their posession. I explicitely want to thank all contribitors to his part of my website. For obvious security reasons, I will not mention the owner of each uniform shown here.
We will show the uniforms by army branch or paramilitary unit. The winter uniforms will be covered in a seperate section, most of these are shown in detail in my book published in 2019.