The Luftwaffe uniforms shown here are all made of wool

Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse ( flight jacket)

Fliegerbluse in smooth wool for a lieutenant of the flying crews or paratroopers, reckognizable by the yellow piping at the shoulder boards and the yellow collar tabs.

Two pictures of the flight jacket (Fliegerbluse) in smooth wool of Heinrich “Heiner” Blanz with his original medals as it was found in 2024. Heinrich was a member of 6./ Kampfgeschwader 55 and his final rank was Feldwebel(sergeant) as we can see on this jacket.

Two pictures of a Fliegerbluse in rough wool with Obergefreiter ( senior corporal) rank insignia.

Two pictures of a Fliegerbluse in rough wool with Unteroffizier ( NCO) rank insignia.

Luftwaffe greatcoats

Luftwaffe great coat M40 for a soldier of a Luftwaffe field division, reckognizable by the green collar tabs.

Luftwaffe great coat M40 for a gunner of a Luftwaffe flak division, reckognizable by the red collar tabs and the red piping on the shoulder boards.

Regular Luftwaffe great coat M40 in the blue-grey Luftwaffe wool.