The E.Reitz Uniformwerke was one of the biggest German uniform factories of the III Reich.
It was located in Merksem, a suburb of Antwerp, Belgium. So it was located outside the boundaries of the III Reich's territory. In a former tobacco factory, the Germans installed a huge production unit for military uniforms used by the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe , Waffen-SS and Kriegsmarine. We have been able to find some interesting pictures and original items originating from this plant. Some of these are shown in the following pages. We would like to appeal to all visitors to help us in finding more information, documents, pictures or uniform items related to the E.Reitz uniform factories. An in depth study is in the making and we would appreciate all kinds of help !
Please note that all pictures have copyright to them and can not be used without prior concent of the webmaster !!!
Werner Palinckx