Waffen SS arm eagles

Front and back view of the SS arm eagle on a black backing cloth.

Front and back view of the SS arm eagle on a very black backing cloth. This eagle has been cut to the right size and was glued to a backing cloth in ths case a sort of bandage gauze.

Waffen SS cap insignia

Front and back view of the Waffen SS cap eagle on a very black backing cloth.

This eagle clearly has a different design as the Waffen SS sleeve eagle

Front and back view of the Waffen SS cap skull on a very black backing cloth.

This has a different design as the regular Waffen SS cap skulls and can easily by determined as a “Belgian made” Waffen SS cap skull.

SS cloth insignia

Front and back view of the Algemeine SS or Flemish SS sleeve shield. The backing cloth is a red silk like cloth. The piping is a twisted silver-cupper and black thread.

Front and back view of the Algemeine SS or Flemish SS collar tabs. The backing cloth is made of jute. The piping is a twisted silver-cupper and black thread.